I am a big believer on healing your problems inside out! When it comes to skincare I have learnt from my own personal experience that the things you put inside your body massively effect how your skin appears on the outside. (If you would like to know more about this be sure to check out our skincare guide by emailing us hollysheensbeauty@gmail.com)
However for the purpose of this blog I thought I would quickly give you some links to products I found massively helped me! Please be sure to research these products for yourself as everyone’s body is different, I would suggest consulting your doctor when making changes to what you are eating and supplementing. This is purely products that I love for myself and have seen clients & friends have the same benefits! Be sure to let me know on our Instagram @hollysheensbeauty if you do purchase anything recommended, I would love to know
- Turmeric powder
- Apple cider vinegar
- Spirulina powder
- Tropic products (code “Holly Sheen Rainham” at checkout
- Facial light
- At home steamer
- Chia seedsI will now talk about how I use these products…
My Green’s for a Glow recipe
For about 3 years now I have used this recipe it has honestly changed my life in such a positive way! I am not going to lie, it is not the best tasting, appealing thing I have ever put in my mouth, but the benefits definitely outweigh the negatives. First, I will give you the recipe and then I will explain the boosting benefits this drink has to offer.
I have this once a day, or to be honest just as often as I can (never more then once a day) no pressure! I found that it is best in the morning because then it’s done & the benefits can get to work straight away but any time works! I use warm water to mix the powders and then top up with cold. I am a free pourer and very flexible with the ingredients I use depending on what I have stocked in my kitchen at the time, so make sure you do you and make changes to the recipe as you wish, this is just my guideline! All products used are linked below are from amazon ☺
Into a small drinking glass add (in this order)
A large splash of hot water
1-2 teaspoons of spirulina powder (depending how brave you feel)
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 pinch of black pepper
1 splash of apple cider vinegar
One pinch of ginger (I use powder but feel free to use fresh it probably is better for you)
Squeeze of lemon (I normally use a ¼ of the lemon) *to be honest I add the lemon in an ideal world, but most of the time I leave this out as I can’t be bothered lol
Top all this up with cold water (the amount of water depends on how thick you can stomach)
So, now you have the recipe and what are the benefits...
Everything that is coming out of your skin is being produced inside so the food we eat, the nutrients we hold and drinks we consume all have a massive effect on us and can make a big difference to how you skin appears on the outside. It’s an inside job honey! In my own body I have noticed that this drink has helped my skin glow, my appetite and digestion work in the best possible, flowing way. I find I have more sustained energy and it massively helps with bloating and uncomfortable tummy feels! A good all-rounder! And here is why...
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both salt and fresh water. I honestly feel like it is on of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth. It is full (like the other ingredients in this drink) of Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
I have read many articles that claim Apple cider vinegar is good for weight loss (I don’t know who needs to hear this but you are more than fine as you are ) however this is FULL of nurturance like magnesium, iron, amino acids, antioxidants. These health benefits will give you a glow that leaves you feeling amazing inside and out!
Turmeric powder is best activated with black pepper and I have noticed such a difference with my bloating and water retention since taking this! I found these reasons on https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/article/the-health-benefits-of-turmeric#turmeric-is-a-natural-antiinflammatory
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant
Turmeric has anti-cancer effects
Turmeric may help with skin conditions
So, these are my reasons! Please do let me know if you try and share and tag this post on any social media accounts if you found it helpful! also be sure to tag me in any green selfies
Lots of love!