come at me confidence

I am forever playing little games and challenges to make me more confident. I am a strong believer that with confidence comes power to take action and make life great . I could go on about the life changing benefits of confidence all day and how being confident is just Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious . But,for now, I’m going to let you into my secrets on how I have grown in self-confidence and what I do to when I need a little confidence boost at a time when a limited belief is trying to worm it’s way though my thinking habits. 

Start off by getting yourself a note book and write down all the things you have previously achieved in your life, things that in your toughest of times you never thought you could do but now have. I like to break it down to myself like this: 

Step 1 - 

Realise how and what you were thinking before you had achieved your task and where your mind-set was at. ask yourself What was thinking before I achieved this thing I never thought I’d be able to do? But now smash it out the bag 

This will show you this lie you told yourself in all its glory for example I’m looking at my notes now and my first ‘punch’ in my limited beliefs stomach is- 

Leaving school and thinking I wouldn’t physically be able to make it out my room (as I had bad anxiety at the time) let alone get myself to Beauty College 

*I then like to picture myself when I was back at this point in my life and sense how I would have been feeling and what I would have been telling myself * 

Step 2 - 

See the contrast of what it is your now doing that is against this belief. 

Celebrate your success of what, at one point, you couldn’t believe you would achieve but now have.. I suggest writing lists of everything you have achieved that goes against your original belief. My example from my leaving school amounting to nothing would be that now I : 

- Run a pretty successful business and absolutely love it with all my heart and soul 

- Have my own website 

- Forever going on training courses 

- I love adventure and now spend hardly any of my spare time in my room which I once thought I was stuck to 

This list could go on but just a few examples so you can get the idea (not all about me haha)

Step 3- 

You have now seen yourself achieve the task that at one stage you believed was impossible. It’s important to realise that sometimes we hold ourselves back just by a lack of confidence in ourselves. Whereas, in reality you can create anything you want, it’s just our brains that needs convincing and you’ve now seen that something in your past has been overcome . All you have to do is notice when you get a thought that’s not serving you, as a person, and realise that in the past you once felt a certain way and look at you now . Really register your achievements and celebrate yourself for doing them and when new challenges that arise in your life that don’t fill you with confidence realise why you should because you done the impossible before so why not now ? 

Basically just know that you are perfection and never let not feeling confident stop you from achieving your desires . This little task just shows you that you can do it because you already have 🤗