We are pleased to announce that we will be allowed to re-open again on April 12th if all goes well! We are very excited to see you all and are busy getting everything ready for your next appointment.
Our online booking system is now open via our website and you can book yourselves in for beauty appointments from April 12th.
Please bear in mind that you will need to do a patch test at least 48 hours before certain appointments. We will open the salon from April 7th for individuals needing a patch test. These will be available as a click & collection option and we will explain more nearer the time.
Covid-19 Keep It Safe Action Plan
We are now back open and are so happy to welcome you with a big socially distanced air hug! here are a few pointers on how things have changed …
we will be running on an appointment only basis. Please book your appointment on our online system or by text message you will be required to fill in our new customer details form within government guidelines for track and trace. I will not be able to book your next appointment when in the salon as I want to touch as little equipment as possible and spend my spare time cleaning the salon making everything safe. Please be aware if you text for your appointment you may not get a reply until after 9pm when I have finished in the salon.
Have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
Do you have a high temperature?
Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell?
If you have any of these symptoms, however mild, you should stay at home and reschedule your appointment.
If you have ANY symptoms, please cancel your appointment and we can reschedule. Any money paid transferred to your next appointment, unfortunately no refunds will be available. Please let us know ASAP if you test positive for COVID-19 or have any symptoms after your treatment.
Please come to your appointment at the exact time, if you are early please text and I will let you know when to come in to avoid too many clients in the salon at the same time. This is also to ensure the salon is sanitised and safe for you.
We will no longer be taking cash in the salon. All treatments will need to be paid before your treatment via bank transfer, if bank transfer is an issue please let me know before hand and we can make other arrangements. Please note I have new bank details if you already have my details set up this will need to be changed.
Please come to your appointment alone, no children or accompanies will be allowed in the salon with you, as we have had to remove our waiting area to allow for social distancing. Please bring as little as possible with you into the salon, you may be asked to store your items in boxes provided.
No food or drinks are permitted in the salon; I will also not be able to offer these to customers while your treatment is being carried out.
Gone are the champagne on arrival days, however I will be doing a temperature checks on arrival. I will provide facemasks for you to wear in the salon. Please remove your own mask and gloves when entering the salon. Hands must be washed and antibacterial gel applied on arrival and on departure.